Saturday, August 1, 2009

This Post is For Brittany...if she ever finds it

Time to revisit the old blog. Can't let my 8 followers down. Maybe blogging is a freshman thing...and since I was never really a freshman, I can't honestly keep up a blog. Either way, I have no previous plans as to what this post will say, so we'll just keep it going and see where it goes. I'm doing this primarily for one reason - Brittany Austin will be orgasmic with excitement as soon as she finds out I added a new blog-post. Speaking of old friends - I haven't contacted or seen them in months. Also, check out my facebook wall - practically no activity whatsoever. I kind of like the stealth though. I mean, they probably are sitting there day by day saying to themselves, "that Alex Miller is one sincere douche for not being an active friend anymore," yet here I am speaking from the grave calling out to my long lost fans and lovers a tender war cry: "I still love you. I still love you. I'm still your biggest deal, etc." (When I say "probably," I mean most definitely they're NOT wondering where I'm at...and when I say "..etc." I mean I tend to vocally say the phrase "et-cetra," in my conversations as to suggest that even my vocal chords are too high status to utter lengthy lists, but we'll save that self-absorbed subject for another day). Did anyone honestly follow that entire parenthetical statement? It was supposed to be funny.
Back to business though - I had this genius idea the other day. How Bad-A would it be to make a virtual file of your life? Okay, I know you're like...say what? So you start a folder on your computer - in it you start a word start writing your life's history/journal. k up. Basically, whatever you want to be passed on to future generations. Then you add pictures - back up copies of all the important pictures of your life. You keep adding stuff throughout your life. Important documents, etc. For example, I would go through multiple gigabytes searching for any lyrics I've ever saved in a word doc, and I'd make a subfolder with all the lyrics I've written. A similar folder would hold all the songs or partial song files I've recorded. For others it might be art, or stories written, or BLOGS for heavens sake. Heck, you could even make a "playlist of your life" displaying 20 or so songs that really define your life as you remember it. A similar list can be made for movies. Share your biggest learning experiences, etc. Just anything and everything good about life that you want to be attributed to you for your posterity. Trust me, I've seen hours and hours of desperation experienced by my parents and aunts/uncles as they've tried to piece together all the journals and info. about their ancestors. I'm just suggesting we be a little pro-active, a little self-absorbed, and re-focus a little bit of our facebook stalking time to re-stalking our own lives. Help your posterity out a bit. After all, you never know when AIDS is gonna come and get ya. (wtf? yeah, I said it). Now sure, I know my kids won't give a flying frick about my life -they will be as annoyed with my over analyzed life as my past girlfriends have been. But somewhere, in some distant year circa 2034, some little Miller-igan boy with a strong sexual drive, an over-active mind, and inability to maintain healthy relationships, is gonna wonder which of his ancestors cursed him with such wicked awful biological predispositions (after all, Darwinism is IN and here to stay). Then, in a stroke of good luck, he'll run across, open up this glorious file of my life, and all his questions will be answered. I started such a project recently. I am still a far ways off from being anywhere close to caught up with my current year of existence. I spent the first 12 hours plotting out every girlfriend I've had since pre-school till now, and placing them on a timeline. And you know what, it was fun, informative, and thought-provoking. As self-absorbed as it sounds (and IS), I think it's going to be the new craze. It'll pretty much be the new scrapbooking. Please remember, you dedicated 8 followers, that you heard of the idea here first. You may say, "well my computer crashes, I'll probably lose all the info someday." Well if you're stupid, that's true. But if you're smart - back it up on usb drives, other computers, etc. The BEST idea, is to keep it online...then you can download it from anywhere. How you may ask? I recommend "dropbox." It's a free online service that gives you 2GB of online storage, that you can access and download from anywhere. It actually installs a folder on your computer...and EVERYTHING you save in that folder is automatically uploaded on saved on your online space. OMG, it's almost as if they knew my exact idea! So yes, in fact you can sign up through this link:
Signing up through that link actually gives ME more space on my account. PERFECT! Now, was this whole idea something I really believe in, or just a plug so I could have ya'll sign up and get me more space on my dropbox account? You'll never know....